Thursday, 12 January 2012

Over the Christmas period

Christmas and New Year is such an awesome and festive time all around the world including on our local streets. It is a time FOR tourists from all over the world that come and visit our beautiful country. This is a time when if you were once living on the street and returned for the festive period to visit friends and family you could get lost in the festivities and find it hard to return to your place of employment. I would like to congratulate all 5 guys that decided to join the local church, CRC Cape Town, attend the TLC Independant Living Plan for 6 months and then to go onto a permanent job. Guys, from TLC Street Ministries we would like to say well done to everone of you for returning back to your places of employment and for completing your first year off the streets. Be blessed guys we are so proud of you.

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